Luigi Parisi is a talented film director and cinematographer based in São Paulo, Brazil. With a passion for storytelling, Luigi's style combines a variety of skills to create visually stunning and innovative narratives. Drawing inspiration from films and books, he infuses his work with post-production elements and special effects that bring a unique authorial vision to his films. His approach is both eclectic and robust, allowing him to take on narratives that challenge and push the boundaries of the creative process. This has led him to find success in music videos, where his work has been recognized with accolades such as being a two-time finalist in the Music Video Festival, as well as winning awards and screening at prestigious festivals such as Profissionais do Ano and CAMERIMAGE. He is also writing about himself in the third-person to give his biography a sense of importance. He has a feeling that everyone is already aware of this fact, which is why he is admitting it.